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The Essence of Libety

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Liberty knows no compromise

A Universal Ethic for All Mankind: A Detailed Review and Synopsis of The Ethics of Liberty

by Murray N. Rothbard

Chapter 5: The Task of Political Philosophy

Compiled and Edited


Dr. Jimmy T. (Gunny) LaBaume

Rothbard's intention for this book was to set forth a social ethic of liberty—e.g. to construct the edifice of natural law pertinent to the political scene. This is a task that has been neglected throughout this century during which political science has either pursued “model building” (the methodology of the physical sciences) or purely empirical fact grubbing.

The contemporary political scientist believes that he can avoid moral judgments and frame public policy without committing to any ethical position. This is ridiculous because as soon as anyone makes any policy suggestion, an ethical judgment has been made. So, the political “scientist's” moral judgments are covert and implicit. As such, they are not subject to detailed scrutiny and therefore more likely to be unsound.

Moreover, the avoidance of explicit ethical judgments leads to an overriding implicit value judgment—e.g. in favor of the political status quo—whatever happens to prevail at the time in any given society. Furthermore, this lack of a systematic political ethics prevents the political scientist from convincing anyone that any change from the status quo has any value.

Therefore, a system of social or political ethics must be constructed in order to advocate public policy. This work establishes a political philosophy of liberty and of the proper sphere of law, property rights, and the State.

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